Our commitment
Less consumption, more saving, more environmental protection.
MBF designs and manufactures high-performance solutions with minimal energy loss, low consumption, and low power absorption.
Maximum savings is also found in the sanitation of our equipment and total guarantee of results.
The innovative geometry of the circuits designed by MBF, as well as a careful planning of the washing cycles, allow for easy and optimized cleaning of the machines and avoids unnecessary waste of product and energy.
Blazing a trail in our sector.
This is the result of MBF's commitment to support the culture of the bottling process with clients, the market and collaborators. Not, therefore, simply manufacturing machines, but carrying out continuous in-depth studies into sanitisation, oxygen management, preservation of aroma and alcohol content, and all process-related aspects.
A very important aspect in this direction has been collaboration with the faculties of oenology in Verona and engineering in Padua.
MBF is constantly in contact with these two universities for evaluation of the performance and results of new solutions.

Model 231
Organisational Model in accordance with Legislative Decree 231
For the first time in Italy, Legislative Decree 231/2001 has introduced the administrative liability of the institution on account of offences committed for their benefit or in their interest.
The liability arises in cases of any of the offences identified by legislation and committed by parties functionally linked to the institution, including top management, employees or those who entertain relations of subordination in any capacity with the institution, consultants and freelancers.
The legislation foresees that the institution, should it adopt and effectively implement an Organisational, Management and Control Model to prevent the committing of established offences, can thus avoid incurring the liabilities provided for by law.
MBF, in order to render the principles of transparency, fairness and good conduct that distinguish the company even more efficient, has decided to adopt an Organisational, Management and Control Model in accordance with Legislative Decree 231/01. The Company has also introduced a Code of Ethics that establishes the rules with which it must comply when dealing with those who work on behalf of the Company, as well as with suppliers and anyone else who has a relationship with the same. It has also finally appointed a Compliance Committee.
The Document “Code of Ethics” is available to be downloaded in PDF format.