Case history
MBF and Monte del Frà
Oct 18, 2023
The collaboration between MBF and Monte del Frà: utmost trust and cooperation
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MBF and Monte del Frà
Oct 18, 2023
The collaboration between MBF and Monte del Frà: utmost trust and cooperation

MBF and Falasco Wines
Apr 26, 2023
FALASCO FAMILY ARGENTINA and MBF... together looking to the future!

MBF and Destilerías MG
Feb 13, 2023
When two becomes three! Destilerías MG has acquired its third MBF!
What are you looking for?
Via Nuova Padovana 3/A
37040 Veronella
+39 0442 450450
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MBF Spa | Registro Imprese |
Partita IVA: 02754640239 - REA: 280086 | Capitale sociale: Euro 1.183.700,00 i.v.